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This is not a question, but my best guess to answer is: If the numeric data is too wide for the column, then increase the width of the column.

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Q: Numeric data is wider than the column it is recorded in?
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What symbol shows when data is wider than the column?

You will see a series of ###### signs in the cell.

When does a cell contain the number symbol?

The pound (#) or number symbol will appear when the column is not wide enough for the numeric data it holds.

What are differences between data types numeric and non numeric?

Numeric data are data that can be quantify. i.e age, e.t.c While Non-numeric data are data that cannot be quantify but can be categorise. Such as colour, name e.t.c

When the total number of characters of numeric data is greater than the column width of a cell what is displayed?

The hash symbol is displayed, like this: ############

When a total number of characters of numeric data is greater than the column width of cell what is displayed?

The hash symbol is displayed, like this: ############

What doesn't appear in a 3 column organizer?

Numbers or numeric data typically do not appear in a 3 column organizer. It is usually used for organizing information in three distinct categories or topics.

What is the difference between numeric data and non-numeric data?

Numeric data are numbers (like age, cost, etc.), while non-numeric data are not numbers (like name, address, etc.).

Define numeric data?

Numeric data refers to any data that is represented as numerical values, such as integers, decimals, or fractions. This type of data is used for quantitative analysis and calculations in various fields such as mathematics, statistics, and science. Numeric data can be manipulated and processed mathematically to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within the data.

What are the 2 types of data allowed in QBASIC?

the two types of data used in Qbasic is numeric data and alpha numeric data.

What kind of different charts can you prepare based on data in your worksheet understanding the use of charts in representing numeric data series?

There are many kinds of charts you can make with numeric data. The most commons ones are bar charts, line charts, column charts and pie charts. There are many other specialised charts too. It depends on the kind of data you have and what you want to do with it.

What does it mean to sort the data in particular table?

It means to rearrange the rows (or columns) of the table so that the data in a specified column (or row) are in some order. This may be numeric increasing, decreasing, alphnumeric or other.

What does it mean to sort the data in a particular table?

It means to rearrange the rows (or columns) of the table so that the data in a specified column (or row) are in some order. This may be numeric increasing, decreasing, alphnumeric or other.