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consider a matrix A
obtain a transformation which will diagonalize the matrix.Whatare the coordinates of an arbitrary vector
with respect to the basis set which diagonalizes A?

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Q: Obtain a transformation which will diagonalize the matrix?
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4. Derive the matrix for inverse transformation.?

I could do that if you gave me the original matrix.

What does rotation mean in termsof inverse of orthogonal matrix?

The inverse of a rotation matrix represents a rotation in the opposite direction, by the same angle, about the same axis. Since M-1M = I, M-1(Mv) = v. Thus, any matrix inverse will "undo" the transformation of the original matrix.

Write the transformation matrix for 2D rotation?

For counterclockwise rotation, the matrix has the following elements. I will write (11) for the first row, first column etc. since there is no way to easily repesent a matrix here. We rotate by an angle theta. (11) is cos theta (12) negative sin theta (21) is sin theta and (22) is cos theta

What is an eigenvalue?

If a linear transformation acts on a vector and the result is only a change in the vector's magnitude, not direction, that vector is called an eigenvector of that particular linear transformation, and the magnitude that the vector is changed by is called an eigenvalue of that eigenvector.Formulaically, this statement is expressed as Av=kv, where A is the linear transformation, vis the eigenvector, and k is the eigenvalue. Keep in mind that A is usually a matrix and k is a scalar multiple that must exist in the field of which is over the vector space in question.

What is the Jacobi iteration scheme for a system of linear equations?

Jacobi iteration is used to diagonalize a matrix or system of equations, by applying well-chosen rotations. These rotations are chosen to zero particular off-diagonal elements. It might be guessed that the process would only need to be done once for each off-diagonal element, but in fact each iteration destroys some of the zeros created during previous iterations. Nevertheless, the process does converge to a diagonal system.

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4. Derive the matrix for inverse transformation.?

I could do that if you gave me the original matrix.

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not all the time

What does rotation mean in termsof inverse of orthogonal matrix?

The inverse of a rotation matrix represents a rotation in the opposite direction, by the same angle, about the same axis. Since M-1M = I, M-1(Mv) = v. Thus, any matrix inverse will "undo" the transformation of the original matrix.

Which specific linear algebraic and related mathematical techniques are employed in geometric transformation?

Matrix multiplication is the most likely technique.

How do you determine the invariant point in a transformation of a relation?

the invarient point is the points of the graph that is unaltered by the transformation. If point (5,0) stays as (5,0) after a transformation than it is a invariant point The above just defines an invariant point... Here's a method for finding them: If the transformation M is represented by a square matrix with n rows and n columns, write the equation; Mx=x Where M is your transformation, and x is a matrix of order nx1 (n rows, 1 column) that consists of unknowns (could be a, b, c, d,.. ). Then just multiply out and you'll get n simultaneous equations, whichever values of a, b, c, d,... satisfy these are the invariant points of the transformation

Explain Shearing and reflection as a technique of 2d transformation?

ShearingFor shear mapping (visually similar to slanting), there are two possibilities. For a shear parallel to the x axis has x' = x + ky and y' = y; the shear matrix, applied to column vectors, is: A shear parallel to the y axis has x' = xand y' = y + kx, which has matrix form:ReflectionTo reflect a vector about a line that goes through the origin, let be a vector in the direction of the line: To reflect a point through a plane ax + by + cz = 0 (which goes through the origin), one can use , where is the 3x3 identity matrix and is the three-dimensional unit vector for the surface normal of the plane. If the L2 norm of a,b, and c is unity, the transformation matrix can be expressed as:Note that these are particular cases of a Householder reflection in two and three dimensions. A reflection about a line or plane that does not go through the origin is not a linear transformation; it is an affine transformation.

Write the transformation matrix for 2D rotation?

For counterclockwise rotation, the matrix has the following elements. I will write (11) for the first row, first column etc. since there is no way to easily repesent a matrix here. We rotate by an angle theta. (11) is cos theta (12) negative sin theta (21) is sin theta and (22) is cos theta

How to convert RGB to HSV?

There is no transformation matrix for RGB/HSV conversion, but the algorithm can be found on the Internet for example follow the links supplied under Sources and Related Links below.: