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10000 to 12000 miles per year

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Q: On average how many miles does one car travel in a year?
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How many miles does the average container ship travel in a year?

214,000 miles

How many miles does the average person fly per year?

The average person will travel less than 600 miles per year. This is because most people do not have to fly.

How much does a car travel in a year?

10-12 thousand miles is a good average

How many miles does light travel in year?

Around 5,881,986,000,000 miles (5.88 trillion).

How many miles do Americans travel each year?

Well in 1994 the national average was around 12,000 miles. Personally I drive between 14,000 and 16,000 a year. Sources: Myself, US Energy information Administration

How many miles does the average person put on their car a year?

The average person supposedly drives their car for about 12,000 miles a year.

How many miles does the average person drive annually?

The average person drives 13,476 miles a year. 15,000 miles per year is average. (The abbreviation M.P.A. is sometimes used, Miles Per Annum.)

How many miles do elephants travel to migrate?

Elephants can travel long distances to migrate, with some herds covering up to 300 miles in search of food, water, and suitable habitat. The exact distance can vary depending on factors such as location, availability of resources, and seasonal changes.

How many Kilometres does the average car travel in one year?


How many miles does the QE2 travel in one year?

In her 39.5 years of service, QE2 travelled 6,000,000 nautical miles - a record that is unlikely to ever be beaten due to the speed and length of service that the great ship enjoyed. This calculates at an average of 152,000 nautical miles per year.

What travel about 11000 miles twice a year?

I would have to say elephants travel about 11000 miles twice a year

How many miles does mars travel around the sun?

Mars orbits the sun at an average distance of about 142 million miles. Its orbital path is elliptical, so the actual distance traveled varies throughout its year.