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The size of a "degree" on the Kelvin scale is identical to the size of a Celsius degree. So a change (up or down) of 1°C is the same as a change of 1 Kelvin.

The size of a Fahrenheit degree is much smaller. A change of 1°C (up or down) is the same as a change of 1.8° on the Fahrenheit scale.

Example :

10° C = 283.15 K = 50° F

11° C = 284.15 K = 51.8° F

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Q: One degree Celsius indicates the same temperature change as what in Fahrenheit and Kelvin?
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One degree Celsius indicates the same temperature changes as?

One degree Celsius indicates the same temperature change as one kelvin.

What are the three units that are used to measure temperature?

The three units used to measure temperature are Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F), and Kelvin (K). Each unit has its own scale and reference points for measuring temperature.

How do you change kelvin in to degrees?

To convert Kelvin to degrees Celsius, subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin temperature. There is no simple conversion to degrees Fahrenheit from Kelvin, but you can convert the Kelvin temperature to Celsius first, and then convert Celsius to Fahrenheit using the appropriate formula.

What is 162 Kelvin equal to in degrees Fahrenheit?

162 kelvin = -168.07 degrees Fahrenheit To calculate Kelvin temperatures, you simply add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature. The formula is as such: Kelvin temperature = Celsius temperature + 273.15 degrees. To change Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 and then divide by 9. Multiply that result by 5. The formula is as such: Celsius = [(Fahrenheit - 32) / 9] x 5.

Basic unit for temperature?

There are Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin.

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Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin