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The object with the velocity of -4 feet per second is going faster than the other, but in the opposite direction, hence the minus sign.

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Q: One object has a velocity of -4 feet per second another has 3 feet per second which is greater?
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The tangential velocity of a rotating object is greater when it is far from the center of rotation. This is because the object has to cover a larger distance in the same amount of time when it is farther from the center, leading to a higher tangential velocity.

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The change in velocity of a falling object is calculated by subtracting the initial velocity from the final velocity. The acceleration due to gravity is typically involved in this calculation. The formula for calculating the change in velocity is: change in velocity = final velocity - initial velocity.

What is the force of movement?

The force of movement, also known as kinetic force, is the force that is responsible for an object's motion. It is generated by the object's mass and velocity, following Newton's second law of motion (F = ma). The greater the mass or velocity of an object, the greater the force of movement it possesses.

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An object's momentum depends on both its mass and velocity. Momentum is calculated by multiplying an object's mass by its velocity. Therefore, an object with a larger mass or a higher velocity will have a greater momentum.

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The distance covered by an object in the last second of its motion is equal to the object's velocity in meters per second. This means that if the object is moving at a constant velocity, the distance covered in the last second will be the same as the velocity.

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The mass of an object in kilograms times its velocity is?

The product of mass in kilograms and velocity in meters per second is the momentum of the object, measured in kilogram-meters per second (kg*m/s).

What is the gain velocity per second for a freely falling object?

The gain velocity per second for a freely falling object is approximately 9.81 meters per second squared, which is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth. This means that the object's velocity increases by 9.81 meters per second for every second it falls.

What happens to the mass of a speeding object in space?

Recall a fundamental postulate of relativity -- that one can not define the velocity of an object except in reference to a frame. Thus, we can NOT say an object is "speeding" unless we also define against which frame we are making measurements. In an object's own frame, its own mass never changes. In a frame that views such an object as "speeding," the mass of the object will be greater than it is in its own frame. Not "mistaken to be" greater, not "viewed as" greater, not "seems to be" greater, not "appears to be" greater. The mass IS greater in that second frame.

What is the force of acceleration?

The force of acceleration is the force that causes an object to change its velocity or speed. It is calculated using Newton's second law of motion, which states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration (F = ma). The greater the force of acceleration applied to an object, the greater the change in its velocity.

What is the second equation of motion in physics?

The second equation of motion in physics is: (v = u + at), where: (v) is the final velocity of an object, (u) is the initial velocity of an object, (a) is the acceleration of the object, and (t) is the time taken for the change in velocity to occur.

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The change in velocity of the object will be 600 meters per second. This is because the velocity of the object changes direction completely after traveling half a circle, resulting in a total change of 600 meters per second.