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One thousand.

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Q: One trilion is equal to how many bilion?
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How many zero in trilion?

one trillion = 1,000,000,000,000 12 zeroes

How many zero in one bilion and a half?

1,500,000,000 has 8 zeros.

How many million in one bilion?

there are one thousand millions in one billion. Million: 1,000,000 Billion: 1,000,000,000

How many numbers does a bilion have?

If you mean how many digits does a billion have, then one billion = 1,000,000,000 which is one, followed by 9 zeros, or ten digits

What number comes after one trilion nine hundred ninety nine thousand and ninety nine?

One trillion one million is the next whole number after one trilion nine hundred ninety nine thousand and ninety nine.

How many zeros in 1 bilion?

Translating words into numbers is important, one billion in numbers is 1,000,000,000 . This means that it has nine zeroes behind the number one.

What were the costs to the US of reconstruction of Japan after World War 2?

One (1) trilion $USD

What is trilion?

A trillion is a large number. It is written as a 1 followed by 12 zeroes. This means that a trillion is equal to one million times one million!We can also write this number in a way that mathematicians refer to as standard form; it would be 1 * 1012 in standard form.

How many zeros does one trillion bilion have?

a billion trillions would be 1 sexillion (no joke 100% serious) it is a 1 followed by 21 zeros. after that is a septillion a 1 folowed by 24 zeros.

Is one kilometer or one micrometer larger?

Kilometer = 1000 meter Micrometer = 0.000001 meter So, 1 KM = 1 bilion (10^9) micrometers

How many billions equivalent to a trilion dollars?

A dollar is a currency of a large number of countries: in most cases the value differing from one country to another. You have not specified which country. In any case, billion (by itself) are a pure number which have no monetary value.

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