

Origin of mathematics

Updated: 11/2/2022
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14y ago

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The first math operations would be such as a shepherd counting his sheep to make sure that none have been lost. And the counting of the days of the seasons so as to know when to plant.

An early written language was Cuneiform, which consisted of making a sharp-pointed triangular mark on a tablet of clay.

When Cuneiform was eventually deciphered, it was discovered that most of the records were accounting records! Whether the allowed irrigation had been used? Or the amount of grain, or olive oil had been placed in the communal storage?

Earlier than this, we know that the ancient Egyptians used math + geometry to make sure that buildings were square and so on.

From simple practical use of numbers, the ancient Greeks chose to consider such things as 'can we calculate the diagonal of a square?' Studying such unanswerable questions leads to further related thinking, and to the discovery of new branches of math.

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What does origin in math?

The origin of math can be traced back to Egyptian mathematicians during 2000-1800 BC. Pythagoreans is the one that coined the term mathematics in the 6th century BC.

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ORIGIN late 16th cent.: plural of obsolete mathematic[mathematics,] from Old French mathematique, from Latin (ars) mathematica 'mathematical (art),' from Greek mathēmatikē (tekhnē), from the base of manthanein'learn.'From Oxford American Dictionaries

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What means mathematics?

Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.

Logistical is relating to the philosophical attempt to what?

Logistical is relating to the philosophical attempt to lessen mathematics to logic. Logistical pertains to logistic. The origin of logistical is 1930 to 1935.

What do you understand by the term 'origin' or the 'reference point'?

The term 'origin' or 'reference point' typically refers to a fixed location or starting point from which measurements or positions are determined. It serves as a point of comparison or a basis for understanding the relationship between different objects or points in a system. In mathematics and geometry, the origin is often denoted as the point (0,0) on a coordinate system.

What does mathematics have to do with math?

mathematics is math math is short for mathematics

What is the plural form of mathematics?

Mathematics"mathematics" is a plural noun already, the subject is Mathematics!