1661 is a palindromic number.
'palindromic' means 'reads the same forward and backward', such as 'mom' and 'noon'. So yes, 878 a palindromic number.
89 does not have any other number - palindromic or otherwise.
As 20569.8 is not palindromic, any number that is like it must contain that property and similarly be non-palindromic, so no.
There are 90 palindromic numbers between 100 and 1000
You call it a palindromic sentence. If it isn't a sentence it is a palindromic phrase or palindromic sequence.
"Up, up!" is an example of a palindromic prepositional phrase.
the phrase 'no devils lived on' is palindromic. Maybe a more attractive longer phrase could be created by inserting letters in places other than at the end.
more uncomfortable
Star comedy by democrats
Star comedy by democrats
The phrase "I'm embarrassed" in Tagalog can be translated as "Nahihiya ako."
more embarrassed, most embarrassed
A palindromic acrostic is a form of wordplay where the first letter of each line forms a word or phrase reading from top to bottom, while the last letter of each line creates the same word or phrase when read from bottom to top. This creates a mirrored effect within the text.
1661 is a palindromic number.
There are not just 13 non-palindromic numbers. Most numbers are non-palindromic.
"Palindromic" is the adjective form of "palindrome."