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Q: Person mass 95kg on a 22kg ladder against frictionless wall angle 65 horizontal 10 m long ladder at rests on wet floor with a static friction 40 what max length person can climb before lader slips?
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What force causes the horizontal motion?

The force that causes horizontal motion is typically friction generated between the object and the surface it is moving on. Additionally, propulsion forces such as from engines or a person pushing can also contribute to horizontal motion.

How can a person move when placed in frictionless area?

By having a force act on that person.

How does friction affect a person's spin?

Friction can affect a person's spin by providing resistance against the turning motion. More friction can slow down the spin or make it more difficult to maintain balance. Decreasing friction, such as by changing the surface or adjusting clothing, can help increase the speed and smoothness of the spin.

A small box is held in place against a rough wall by someone pushing on it with a force directed upward at 28 degrees above the horizontal?

The force applied by the person can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components. The vertical component will help support the weight of the box while the horizontal component will maintain the box against the wall. The frictional force between the box and the wall will counteract the horizontal force.

What lung sound will you hear in a person with pleural friction?

lung sound in a person with pleural friction

What does friction mean in the terms of physical science?

Friction is the force that resists the relative motion or tendency of such motion between two surfaces in contact. It occurs due to microscopic irregularities in the surfaces causing them to rub against each other, generating heat. Friction can affect the speed and efficiency of objects moving against each other.

How can a fully dressed person at rest in the middle of a pond on perfectly frictionless ice get to shore?

Take off some clothing to walk on and avoid slipping.

What is the work done by a person in carrying a suitcase weighing 10kgf on his head when he travels a distance of 5m in the vertical and horizontal direction?

The work done by the person is zero in the horizontal direction because the force and displacement are perpendicular. In the vertical direction, the work done is 10kgf * 9.8m/s^2 * 5m = 490 Joules, as the force of gravity acts against the displacement.

How could a person who is a rest on completely frictionless ice covering a pond reach shore?

Even on 'frictional' ice it is possible to crawl, slide, walk on the ice.

How are friction and heat related?

Friction generates heat as two surfaces rub against each other, converting mechanical energy into thermal energy. The amount of heat produced is directly proportional to the force of friction and the time the surfaces are in contact. Increased friction can lead to higher temperatures, which can affect the performance and integrity of materials.

Is the force of friction greater between two children on a sled and the snow or between only one of the children on the same sled and the snow?

The force of friction is proportional to the force which surfaces press against each other. Since two people will cause the sled to push harder on the snow then one person, the friction will be greater for two people on the sled.

What Type of friction is present on a water slide?

The type of friction present on a water slide is kinetic friction. Kinetic friction occurs when an object moves across the surface of another object, in this case, when a person slides down the water slide. The water on the slide reduces friction, allowing the person to slide more easily.