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Q: Plot a scatter graph showing the percentage increase in mass against the order of reactivity of the metals?
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What does it means to have a correlation in a scatter plot?

A correlation exists in a scatter plot if there is a general trend in the outputs as inputs increase. If the outputs generally increase in value, then there is a positive correlation. If the outputs generally decrease in value, then there is a negative correlation.

In a positive correlation scatter plot as the values of the domain increase what do the values of the range do?

The values of the range also tend to increase.

What does a scatter plot suggest?

A scatter plot plots two variables against each other, allowing the 'researcher' to easily see if there is a correlation between the dependant variable and the independant variable with relation to their data set.

What kind diagram is used to graph two-variable data for correlation analysis?

A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.

What is scatter seed?

a scatter seed is a pack of seeds that scatter all over

Which type of chart shows the pattern or relationships between sets of data points?

A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.

How is a scatter plot used in real life?

A scatter graph can be used in companies to plot things such as profit and loss for certain items (or the company as a whole) over time, which can give the company a good insight to what sells well and a guideline of what they could do to increase profit.

What is the synonym for scatter?

Disperse is a good synonym for scatter.

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What are the 2 variables in a scatter plot?

You can have any two variables. In fact, you can also have just one variable over two points in time - for example, a scatter plot of the price of something plotted against the price of the same thing a year earlier.

What is the present tense of scatter?

The present tense of scatter is:I/You/We/They scatter.He/She/It scatters.

What graph shows how output changes when a single input changes?

A multi-dimensional scatter plot.A multi-dimensional scatter plot.A multi-dimensional scatter plot.A multi-dimensional scatter plot.