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Q: Potassium-42 has a half-life of 12.4 hours How much of a 745 g sample will be left after 74.4 hours?
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A sample of radioactive isotope has a halflife of 1 day how much of the original sample will be left at the end of the fourth day?

If a sample of radioactive material has a half-life of one week the original sample will have 50 percent of the original left at the end of the second week. The third week would be 25 percent of the sample. The fourth week would be 12.5 percent of the original sample.

Molybdenum-99 has half a half-life of 66 hours. after 132 hours how much of an initial sample of 10 ci of mo-99 would remain?

After 132 hours, 1/4 of the initial sample of 10 Ci of Mo-99 would remain. Since the half-life is 66 hours, after 66 hours half of the sample would remain (5 Ci), and after another 66 hours (totaling 132 hours), half of that remaining amount would be left.

How much of the original sample will be left at the end of the second day if a sample of radioactive isotope has a half life of 1 day?

Hi, Each half-life means the mass of the sample has decreased by 1/2 its mass. Thus; After 1 half-life, 1/2 the sample has decayed. After 2 half-lives 3/4 of the sample has decayed. Hope this helps.

Sample questions for ACER exams for class 4?

You can try and then go to sample questions (which will be in the left of the page).

How much of an 848 g sample of potassium-42 will there be left after 62.0 hours?

To determine the amount of potassium-42 left after 62.0 hours, we need to use the half-life of potassium-42 which is 12.4 hours. Calculate the number of half-lives that have passed (62.0 hours / 12.4 hours) = 5 half-lives. Each half-life halves the amount, so 1/2^5 = 1/32. Therefore, there will be 848 g * (1/32) = 26.5 g of potassium-42 left.

If Uranium has a halflife of 1 day how much is left at the end of the third day?

The half life of uranium is not one day. For an isotope with the half life or one day, after 3 days: the quantity remained is 12,5 %.

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A radioactive sample has a half-life of 5.0 min What fraction of the sample is left after 20 min?

After 20 minutes, there have been 4 half-lives (20 min / 5 min per half-life). Each half-life reduces the sample by half, so the fraction of the sample left after 20 minutes is (1/2)^4, which is 1/16. Therefore, 1/16 of the original sample is left after 20 minutes.

Who long you can left the simple in the desiccator?

I think you should resubmit this question as How long can you leave a sample in a desiccator? and it would help if you gave information about what sample you are putting in.

Manganese-56 is a beta emitter with a half-life of 2.6 hour. What is the mass of manganese-56 ina 1 mg sample of the isotope after 10.4?

After 10.4 hours, there would be 1/2^4 = 1/16 (0.0625) mg of manganese-56 left in the sample due to radioactive decay. Therefore, the mass of manganese-56 remaining in a 1 mg sample after 10.4 hours would be 0.0625 mg.

How much of an 8 gram sample is left after 3 half lives?

2.66666666666667 grams