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Price per foot will normally be 3 times less than that of a yard as tehre are 3 feet in a yard.

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Q: Price per foot versus price per yard?
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How do you convert price per lineal yard to price per square foot?

devide by 9

Convert price per linear yard to price per square yard?

You need to know the width of the product. If the width is w feet, thenprice per sq foot = price per linear yard/(3*w)

Store A carpet costs 5.95 per square foot Store B carpet costs 38.95 per square yard Which is the better price?

The store that has the better price is store"B". By store "A" charging $5.95 per square foot their price comes out to $53.55 per square yard. There are 9 square feet in a square yard. By store "A" advertising the price by square foot instead of square yard, they are hoping that people will just look at the price {$5.95 vs 38.95} and think that store "A" is a better deal. It is just an advertising gimmic and it is a gimmic because everyone knows that carpeting is measured and sold by square yard.

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There are 9 square feet in a square yard. This means to find price per square foot given price per square yard, division by 9 is in order. $11.69 divided by 9 = $1.298888... or about $1.30 per square foot.

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The price of one yard of concrete is $75.00 a cubic yard.

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12 foot by 20 foot = 240 square foot. Divide by 9 to bring ito to square yards = 26.6666 (round this to say 26.67). Multiply by the price (4.92) = 131.216. You haven't said what the price units are (£ or $ or whatever). But the sum is the same whatever the price units are.

How do you convert price per linear yard to price per sq yard?

The conversion requires information about the width of the product - in yards. If it is w yards wide, then price per square yard = price per linear yard/w

How do you get cost per square foot from cost per linear yard?

You need to know the width of the product. If the width is w feet, thenprice per sq foot = price per linear yard/(3*w)

If your carpet is 30.98 a square yard how much per square foot?

There are 9 square feet in a square yard, so divide the price per square yard by 9. 30.98/9=3.44222222222

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.50 per yard

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Price per cubic yard of concrete in Miami Florida?

The price for a cubic yard of concrete, in Miami, Florida, is approximately $75. The price of concrete varies throughout the city and at different times of the year.