The probability of being dealt a full house in Poker is 3744/2,598,960 or 1 in 694. The probability of moving up from a full house in poker is 4/47.
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The odds of flopping a full house are 136:1.
The odds of being dealt exactly a full house are 694 to 1 against, which equates to a probability of 0.00144. The probability of all 5 card hands can be found, along with explanations of how to derive the probabilities, can be found at
It is 0.0465, approx.
* Improving to 2 pairs - 5.3/1 * Improving to trips - 7.7/1 * Improving to A Full House - 97/1 * Improving to Quads - 359/1
Full House Poker happened in 360.
Full House Poker was created on 2011-03-16.
Full House Poker - 2011 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:T
March 16 is when Full House Poker on Xbox Live will be coming out. It will cost 800 Microsoft points.
The odds of flopping a full house are 136:1.
In French, a full house is called "un Full" (same pronunciation)
The odds of being dealt exactly a full house are 694 to 1 against, which equates to a probability of 0.00144. The probability of all 5 card hands can be found, along with explanations of how to derive the probabilities, can be found at
its commonly know as 'boat'.
No, a flush cannot beat a full house.
World Series of Poker Full House Pro - 2013 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:T
for a full house and 6 for a flush