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Q: What is the probability of drawing either a king or queen from a poker deck on a single draw?
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What is the probability of drawing two diamonds in two draws without replacing?

The probability of drawing a diamond from a standard 52-card poker deck without jokers is 13/52, or 1/4. The probability of drawing a second diamond at that point would then be 12/51, for an overall probability of 12/212, or 3/53. This amounts to about a 5.88% chance.

Probability of full house in poker?

The probability of being dealt a full house in poker is 3744/2,598,960 or 1 in 694. The probability of moving up from a full house in poker is 4/47. Check with

What is the probability of picking a black jack from a poker deck on a single draw?

2 in 52, or 1 in 26, or about 0.03846.

What is the probability of drawing at least one ace from a poker deck on two draws if the first card is replaced before the second drawn?

2 in 52, or 1 in 26, or about 0.03846.

What is the probability of drawing at least one ace from a poker deck on two draws if the first card is replaced before the second card is drawn?

The probability of drawing a red card and a spade in two cards is the probability of drawing a red card multiplied by the probability of drawing a spade, multiplied by 2 (as it doesn't matter which way around they are drawn). The probability of drawing a spade is 1/13 as there are 4 spades and 52 cards. The probability of drawing a red card after this is 26/51 if the spade was black, and 25/51 if the spade was red. This averages at 51/102 Multiply these probabilities together and then multiply by two and we get 51/663 which can be simplified to 1/13

What is draw poker?

A poker user is drawing if they have a hand which needs further cards to develop valuable and deficient. The hand is called a draw or drawing hand.

How many 5 card poker hands contain only Diamonds?

There are 1287 possible 5 card poker hands that contain only diamonds, i.e. a diamond flush.This is 13! / (13-5)! / 5!Since there are 2598960 possible 5 card poker hands, 52! / (52-5)! / 5!, the probability of drawing a diamond flush is 1287 in 2598960, or about 0.0004952.

What is the probability of geeting no pair in a poker?

It is 158,146,560/311,875,200 = approx 0.507

What is probability of drawing a royal flush from a pinochle deck?

this is for 5-card poker (4*2^5) which gives you 128, that's your m devide it by n, which is the possibilities of hand draws (8C5) so it will be 128/1712304 and that's your answer.00007547

How can you add Zynga poker buddies to Facebook friends?

get some people and play poker....either from work, mates in school, or just get your regular friends play at your favorite poker place or poker site.

Which of these talents did Jack display in the movie Titanic?

Dancing,Drawing,Poker, Spitting

What are some probability games?

Black Jack, Poker, any dice game, Probhex, however it can also be educational than other probability games.