In order to display multiples of 9 up to 500 I would use a while loop with the condition number < 500. For example:
#set number to the first multiple of 9
number = 9;
while number < 500:
print number;
#add 9 to the number
number += 9;
Note: I put semicolons at the end of each line out of habit. Python does not require this.
Note: lines beginning with # are comments
The above code will print the current value of number, then add 9 to it. It will continue to do this until number is greater than or equal to 500.
Generating Sine and Cosine Signals (Use updated lab)
Yes, it is possible to do that.
Multiply the numbers together. Double that result. Triple it.
program to find maximum of two numbers using pointers
Assuming you only intend executing your code on your own machine and you have some version of Python installed, you can execute a Python script from within your code in the same way you can execute a Python script via the command line: python infile outfile -o
Py2app for the Mac, or Py2exe for Windows, create a standalone executable file from a Python program, which can run without the Python interpreter. You can always run the application within the Python interpreter. If you want to create an executable file, Python includes no built-in tools to do this; you need an application such as Py2app or Py2exe. Of course, you might search for alternative tools, that do the same thing.
string s = "asdfqwer"; s = s.ToUpper(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
c code for top down parser
i dn't know. haha
write a c program to display marks,total,average,grade using union
Using the Permut function, you can find out how many permutations can be got from a set of values. To actually generate the individual permutations you would need a program.
a = 0while a < 10 :a += 1print (a)Write the above simple script in a text editor (I use nano). Save as in home folder. To run, open a terminal and at the prompt, write: python loop.pyResult:rodney@downstairs:~$ python loop.py12345678910
Using coal to generate electricity. (APEX)
Generating Sine and Cosine Signals (Use updated lab)
The Question is slightly unclear. If you have a SPSS file and you want to generate the Quantum program you can use the utility called spss2qt. This is a small program in SPSS that will convert the SPSS data into ASCII data with a Quantum program with proper column location. However you will have to modify the program to display output to your requirement as this utility will give very basic quantum program for the data. Regards Sachin You can reach me on
Python is a programming language, it is used to make computer programs. so you could write an antivirus using python.