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Q: Program to additon of two 8 bit numbers with carry using 8086 microprocessor?
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What is RAL in a microprocessor 8085?

RAL rotates the content of accumulator Left from Carry

What is the purpose of adc instriction in 8085 microprocessor?

adc means addtion with carry Ex:ADC r (A)<---(A)+(r)+cy(Carry of previous addition)

In a microprocessor command ADD B means?

ADD B in a microprocessor means to add the contents of the accumulator to the B register and store the result in the accumulator. Flags are set according to the result - Z if zero, C if an unsigned carry occurred, AC if a BCD carry occurred, N if the result is signed negative, O if the parity is odd, OV if a signed overflow occurred. Note that not every microprocessor has every flag listed.

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Carry select adder is used to select the carry during addition of two numbers. If those numbers are of 64 bits, then we call it as a 64 bit carry select adder.

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From what I have been able to determine XM does not carry that particular program.

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Handcuffs are currently not restricted by the TSA in carry on luggage. I have carried large numbers of handcuffs in a carry on bag with no problems.

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That means to load a computer program into a computer's memory, and have the computer carry out the instructions in the program.

When do you need to carry over numbers when doing addition problems?

When the sum of the numbers is ten or greater.

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