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No! Take the quaternion group Q_8.

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Q: Proof or Disprove 'If every proper subgroup of G is cyclic then G must be cyclic'?
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Proof of Clausius inequality for reversible process?

Clausius Inequality is not only for reversible process Since overall (system + surrounding) entropy always increase. (∆s) system + surrounding ≥ 0 For a cyclic process (∆s) system = 0 So (∆s) surrounding ≥ 0 Note that in cyclic integral of (dQ/T) dQ is positive for heat entering system form surrounding. So for surrounding change in entropy after a cyclic process is given by cyclic integral of (-dQ/T) which is ≥ 0 Thus cyclic integral of (dQ/T) ≤ 0

Why is a hypothesis important to a scientist?

Once a hypothesis have been confirmed through numerous experimental tests, it can then become a theory. Theories are much more powerful and expansive in scope than hypotheses. Once a theory has been established, it is the role of scientist to try and disprove a theory rather than to try to reinforce its proof.

How do you prove that a group of order 3 is cyclic?

Any group must have an identity element e. As it has order 3, it must have two other elements, a and b. Now, clearly, ab = e, for if ab = b, then a = e:abb-1 = bb-1, so ae = e, or a = e.This contradicts the givens, so ab != b. Similarly, ab != a, leaving only possibility: ab = e. Multiplying by a-1, b = a-1. So our group has three elements: e, a, a-1.What is a2? It cannot be a, because that would imply a = e, a contradiction of the givens. Nor can it be e, because then a = a-1, and these were shown to be distinct. One possibility remains: a2 = a-1.That means that a3 = e, and the powers of a are: a0 = e, a, a2 = a-1, a3 = e, a4 = a, etc. Thus, the cyclic group generated by a is given by: = {e, a, a-1}.QED.Let g be any element other than the identity. Consider , the subgroup generated by g. By Lagrange's Theorem, the order of is either 1 or 3. Which is it? contains at least two distinct elements (e and a). Therefore it has 3 elements, and so is the whole group. In other words, g generates the group.QEDIn fact here is the proof that any group of order p where p is a prime number is cyclic. It follow precisely from the proof given for order 3.Let p be any prime number and let the order of a group G be p. We denote this as|G|=p. We know G has more than one element, so let g be an element of the group and g is not the identity element in G. We also know contains more than one element and ||1 such that gn =1 if such an n exists.

A second type of proof in geometry is a proof by or indirect proof?


Second type of proof in geometry is a proof by?

I am not really sure what you are asking but there are 3 types of proofs in geometry a flow proof, a 2-collumn proof, and a paragraph proof.

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There is no proof of God existing, though there is also no proof that he doesn't. It's all a matter of belief, until we can prove or disprove God's existence.

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The special linear group, SL(n,R), is a normal subgroup of the general linear subgroup GL(n,R). Proof: SL(n,R) is the kernel of the determinant function, which is a group homomorphism. The kernel of a group homomorphism is always a normal subgroup.

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You have a certified professional fix it.Ask to see proof they are certified and do not take their word for it.

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Attempt to disprove the allegation against you. If the accusers (or law enforcement's) proof is greater than your defense, you will be charged or convicted.

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Nothing in science disproves god. However, it is not up to "non-believers" to disprove god. It is the role of the creations to first provide proof of god. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, etc etc.

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Rigorously controlled experiments can provide evidence to support or refute a hypothesis, but they cannot definitively prove a hypothesis. Scientific hypotheses are continually evaluated, refined, and occasionally rejected based on new evidence and further experimentation.

Proof of Clausius inequality for reversible process?

Clausius Inequality is not only for reversible process Since overall (system + surrounding) entropy always increase. (∆s) system + surrounding ≥ 0 For a cyclic process (∆s) system = 0 So (∆s) surrounding ≥ 0 Note that in cyclic integral of (dQ/T) dQ is positive for heat entering system form surrounding. So for surrounding change in entropy after a cyclic process is given by cyclic integral of (-dQ/T) which is ≥ 0 Thus cyclic integral of (dQ/T) ≤ 0

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No. The prosecution only has to prove that you COMMITTED the offense. The issue of WHY (the cause) you did it is not a prosecutorial responsibility.

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Opinion: More easily than disproving a wife's false claims of domestic violence!Added: It is an age-old, impossible to resolve, conundrum - how do you disprove a negative?He would have to present evidence or proof of your violence against him. Absent any such evidence or proof, no law enforcement agency will arrest, no prosecutor will place charges, and no court will convict. Document his false statements and use them in your divorce action.

How would you Proof that benzene has a cyclic structure?

The catalytic hydrogenation of benzene gives the C6H12 which obeys the formula of Alkenes but do not react with Br2 and KMnO4 solution so it is a cyclic molecule cyclohexane, the formation of cyclohexane proves that benzene also exists in cyclic structure.

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In most insurance claims, the burden of proof is on the claimant - in other words, YOU have to prove the accident occurred for them to pay off the claim.