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Once a hypothesis have been confirmed through numerous experimental tests, it can then become a theory. Theories are much more powerful and expansive in scope than hypotheses. Once a theory has been established, it is the role of scientist to try and disprove a theory rather than to try to reinforce its proof.

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Q: Why is a hypothesis important to a scientist?
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Why is A hypothesis important?

putting a certain hypothesis is important for the person making a certain experiment.For exampe,if s/he were a scientist,the hypothesis would help in knowing what experiments should be done(in another words,NO hypothesis-->NO experiments will be done).

Why is formulating a hypothesis important?

putting a certain hypothesis is important for the person making a certain experiment.For exampe,if s/he were a scientist,the hypothesis would help in knowing what experiments should be done(in another words,NO hypothesis-->NO experiments will be done).

Does a scientist consider a hypothesis to be a fact?

Scientist consider hypothesis to be an educated guess on what they are studying. If that scientist researches and experiments more, he will see if his hypothesis is true or false.

What options does a scientist have if experiment does not support hypothesis?

a scientist can do another experiment or change their hypothesis.

After a hypothesis what do scienrist do?

the scientist proposed a theory after hypothesis.

What does a scientist do if hypothsis is not supported?

make a new hypothesis. if not the scientist continues believing in their hypothesis without any proof and becomes a mad scientist

What do scientist do when their data does not support their hypothesis?

Discard or change the hypothesis.

What should a scientist do if a hypothesis is supported?

If I was the scientist you would test is as soon as possible then just skip the hypothesis step

What should a scientist do if a hypothesis is not supported?

If I was the scientist you would test is as soon as possible then just skip the hypothesis step

What would a scientist's next steps be if his or her data failed to support his or her hypothesis?

The scientist could reevaluate the hypothesis, consider alternate explanations for the results, or modify the experimental design to address potential limitations. It is also important to replicate the study to confirm the findings and consult with colleagues for insights.

Why is it important that a scientist results are evaluated by other scientist?

The first scientist may have made a mistake, or tailored the experiment to fit either a hypothesis or favorable results. The second scientist's results help to reinforce ar refute the first scientist's results.

What are the three steps scientist take to evaluate a scientist explanations?

1. Experiment 2.hypothesis 3. Checking hypothesis