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counter example:

f(x)= arctan(x) , f:R ->(-pi/2 , pi/2)

g(x)=tan(x) , g:(-pi/2, pi/2) -> R

(g(x) isn't surjective)

f(g(x))=arctan(tan(x))=x f(g(x)): R -> R

Although, if two of the three are surjective, the third is surjective as well.

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Q: Prove or disprove if the composition fg is surjective than f and g are surjective?
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In the nineteenth century Euclidean geometry was disproved by spherical geometry which was in turn disproved by hyperbolic geometry.g?

No. Spherical geometry did not disprove Euclidean geometry but demonstrated that more than one geometries were possible. Different circumstances required different geometries. Similarly hyperbolic geometry did not disprove either of the others.

How do you prove that the efficiency C arnot is greater than 1?

You don't. Such an efficiency can be less than 1, but it can't be greater than 1.

What is a counterexample in math?

A counterexample is an example (usually of a number) that disproves a statement. When seeking to prove or disprove something, if a counter example is found then the statement is not true over all cases. Here's a basic and rather trivial example. I could say "There is no number greater than one million". Then you could say, "No! Take 1000001 for example". Because that one number is greater than one million my statement is false, and in that case 1000001 serves as a counterexample. In any situation, an example of why something fails is called a counterexample.

Are -14 and -23 negative integers prove your answer?


Why is a hypothesis important to a scientist?

Once a hypothesis have been confirmed through numerous experimental tests, it can then become a theory. Theories are much more powerful and expansive in scope than hypotheses. Once a theory has been established, it is the role of scientist to try and disprove a theory rather than to try to reinforce its proof.

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