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The proof is by the method of reductio ad absurdum. We start by assuming that cuberoot(7) is rational. That means that it can be expressed in the form p/q where p and q are co-prime integers. Thus cuberoot(7) = p/q. This can be simplified to 7*q^3 = p^3 Now 7 divides the left hand side (LHS) so it must divide the right hand side (RHS). That is, 7 must divide p^3 and since 7 is a prime, 7 must divide p. That is p = 7*r for some integer r. Then substituting for p gives, 7*q^3 = (7*r)^3 = 343*r^3 Dividing both sides by 7 gives q^3 = 49*r^3. But now 7 divides 49 so 7 divides the RHS. Therefore it must divide the LHS. That is, 7 must divide q^3 and since 7 is a prime, 7 must divide q. But then we have 7 dividing p as well as q which contradicts the requirement that p and q are co-prime. The contradiction implies that cuberoot(7) cannot be rational.

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Q: Prove that cube root of 7 is an irrational number?
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"Most of the time" is somewhat problematic, since we are dealing with infinite sets of numbers. But it is tempting to say that. The fact is, any number can be a cube root, since you can cube any number by multiplying it by itself twice. But the cube root of a whole number is always either a whole number or an irrational number. And it is true that if N is any reasonably large whole number (say, 1000 or more), the majority (in fact, at least 99%) of the whole numbers from 1 to N have irrational cube roots.Answer 1No. Most of the time it's an irrational number.

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Prove that root 2 is irrational number?

I linked a good resource that explains what you asked below.

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An example is the square root of a number. Ex: square root of 2. This is 1 example, not the main one. Any cube root or square root which doesn't give a perfect number is an irrational number. Ex; square root and cube root of 5, since their answer will be 2.24 and 1.70 which are not perfect numbers like square roots of 25 and 64 or cube roots of 27 and 216.