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Q: Put the pages into the groups identified on page 3.?
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Put the pages into the groups identified on page 3?

A. Destinations. 1.Where they settled B. The west 1. The seeking land C. Cities 1. Moving to the city 2. Northern cities D. Final Destinations 1. Promised Lands I think

How many pages does I Put a Spell on You - book - have?

"I Put a Spell on You" by John Burnham is a 220-page book.

How do you put the script pages in order on back lot island?

Tag the pages with numbers to assemble them in order, pages 1 to 4. -- page 1 is the title, "Many Splendored Zephyr" -- page 2 starts with "I know what you're thinking" -- page 3 is "What is it" -- page 4 is labeled as End Scene.

Mc kailey has 50 picture to put in her scrapbook Each page will hold 5 picture How many pages will she need?

She will need 10 pages.

About how many pages would a r200 in cartridge print?

It depends on how much ink you put on each page, but you can probably print out 300 to 500 pages per cartridge.

Why are there different photos tagged on different Facebook pages?

because if you were in the photo or if your friend tagged u in it you can put it on your page

How do you make a new page on blogger?

hey you cant but you can make a post than make a pages wildget sating:pages: and put the post there and make it look like a page!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using header and footer?

Headers and Footers are used for automatically putting things on every page on a document or on alternating pages, without having to put them in page by page. In a book you will have the number on every page. That is done by putting them into the Footer or Header. Sometimes you will see the name of the book or the chapter on every page. That is done with Headers and Footers. Sometimes the pages will alternate, with different things on odd and even pages. Sometimes you have the name of the book on one page, and the chapter on the other page, when you have the book open. Using Headers and Footers you can put other things automatically for every page, like the date or the time, or the author of the document.

Why do you put so many ads on the pages that it is impossible to even see or hear or scroll from page to page.?

If you would sign up and login, you can stop those from popping up.

Can you start page numbers on a page other than the first page?

Yes you can. You can use sections and number them individually. If you leave the first page or first few pages in one section and have no page numbers, then you could have another section, put page numbers into it, and start them at 1.

How do you give Sofia the script on back lot island?

Just go back to Sound Stage 2 and give them to her. The pages have to be in order: tag them with numbers to put them in order, pages 1 to 4. -- page 1 is the title, "Many Splendored Zephyr" -- page 2 starts with "I know what you're thinking" -- page 3 is "What is it" -- page 4 is labeled as End Scene.

Where do you put page numbers on a resume?

At the bottom of the page, on the lower right hand side, put your last name, hyphen, page number. For instance: McCarthy - 1 of 2 and then on the second page: McCarthy - 2 of 2 At least that was how I was taught to do it.