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Q: Raise t to the 6th power then find the difference of the result and 10?
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How do you find the volume of a cube then write it in expanded form?

To find the volume of a cube, raise the length of a side to the third power.

How do you use the calculator to find the cube root?

Depends on your calculator. If you have "raise to the power" then use "raise to the power 1/3". If not, try logs: either logs to base 10 or logs to base e will do: find the log, divide it by 3, then find the antilog. For base e, (log sometimes written "ln" meaning "natural log") the antilog is just the exponential : " ex ".

Program to find n raise to the power m?

P = 1 For K = 1 to M . P = P * N Next K PRINT "N raised to the power of M is "; P

What is the difference between 44 and 24?

The difference of a number is equal to the smaller number taken away from the greater number. To find out how much the difference of 24 and 44 is, take 24 away from 44. The result is 20.

Write each number as a power of ten 3000 30000 50 50 million.?

As an example, the power you would have to raise 10 to for the result to equal 3,000 is simple the common logarithm (i.e., the logarithm base 10) of the number 3,000. (I don't happen to have with me at the moment either a logarithm table or a calculator that has a common logarithm button on it, so I can't at the moment tell you what the logarithm of 3,000 is. But that's how you'd find out what power to raise 10 to if you wanted the result to equal 3,000 . . . or any of the other numbers in the question.) Simpler example: Write 1,000 as a power of 10. Answer: The common logarithm of the number 1,000 is: 3. So 10 to the power 3 will equal 1,000. By the way, the common logarithm of 10,000 is: 4. (So 10 to the power 4 will equal 10,000.) -- So what, you ask? Well, 3,000 is between 1,000 and 10,000. So the information in the "Simpler example" in the paragraph immediately foregoing and the information in the present paragraph together imply that the common logarithm of 3,000 must be between 3 and 4 . So the power you have to raise 10 to if you want the result to equal 3,000 is 3 plus some fraction.

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To find the square root on a calculator without a radical symbol, you can use the power function. Simply raise the number to the power of 0.5 to find the square root. For example, to find the square root of 16, you can input 16^0.5 into your calculator to get the result.

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To find the difference in temperature between two values, subtract the smaller temperature from the larger temperature. The result will give you the difference in temperature.

How do you find the volume of a cube then write it in expanded form?

To find the volume of a cube, raise the length of a side to the third power.

Why is raising something to the power of 3 called cubing?

This is related to the formula to find the volume of a cube (raise the length of the side to the third power).

How do you find the difference of 888 and 12.043?

One method that's usually quite effective is to subtract 12.043 from 888.When you do that, the result is their difference ... 875.957 .

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there are many answers but i didnt find it... LOOK IN THE CONSTITUTION!

How do you use the calculator to find the cube root?

Depends on your calculator. If you have "raise to the power" then use "raise to the power 1/3". If not, try logs: either logs to base 10 or logs to base e will do: find the log, divide it by 3, then find the antilog. For base e, (log sometimes written "ln" meaning "natural log") the antilog is just the exponential : " ex ".

Why is 2 to the third power call as 2 cubed?

Because, to find the volume of a cube, you raise the length of the side to the third power: if the side of a cube is 2, the volume is 2^3 or 8.

Program to find n raise to the power m?

P = 1 For K = 1 to M . P = P * N Next K PRINT "N raised to the power of M is "; P

How do you calculate compound growth rate?

To calculate the compound growth rate (CAGR) first find the beginning and ending values of the investment. Then divide the current investment value by the initial investment value to get the quotient, use a calculator to raise the division result to a power of 1/number of years, subtract one from the calculation result, and multiply by 100 to convert the resulting decimal to a percentage.

Write each number as a power of ten 3000 30000 50 50 million.?

As an example, the power you would have to raise 10 to for the result to equal 3,000 is simple the common logarithm (i.e., the logarithm base 10) of the number 3,000. (I don't happen to have with me at the moment either a logarithm table or a calculator that has a common logarithm button on it, so I can't at the moment tell you what the logarithm of 3,000 is. But that's how you'd find out what power to raise 10 to if you wanted the result to equal 3,000 . . . or any of the other numbers in the question.) Simpler example: Write 1,000 as a power of 10. Answer: The common logarithm of the number 1,000 is: 3. So 10 to the power 3 will equal 1,000. By the way, the common logarithm of 10,000 is: 4. (So 10 to the power 4 will equal 10,000.) -- So what, you ask? Well, 3,000 is between 1,000 and 10,000. So the information in the "Simpler example" in the paragraph immediately foregoing and the information in the present paragraph together imply that the common logarithm of 3,000 must be between 3 and 4 . So the power you have to raise 10 to if you want the result to equal 3,000 is 3 plus some fraction.

How do you find square root on calculator with out using the square root sign?

Assuming the calculator can do exponents, take the number and raise it to the power of 1/2.