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Octane < Carbon tetrachloride < Methanol

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Q: Rank the following in order of increasing solubility in water Methanol. CH3OH Octane C8H18 Carbon tetrachloride CCl4?
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How many bbl in a metric ton of methanol?


What is the volume of a tank that can hold 54 kilograms of methanol if the methonal has a density of 79g per cm squared?

Density is not mass per area, so this is invalid.

What does it mean to denature?

# To change the nature or natural qualities of. # To render unfit to eat or drink without destroying usefulness in other applications, especially to add methanol to (ethyl alcohol).

What is the most fatal liquid to drink that is accesable?

There are several liquids that can be fatally toxic if ingested, but one of the most accessible is methanol. Methanol is a common ingredient in products like windshield washer fluid, paint thinner, and antifreeze. Ingesting even a small amount of methanol can cause severe poisoning and potentially lead to blindness or death. However, it's important to note that consuming any toxic substance is extremely dangerous and potentially lethal, so it is strongly advised to not ingest any harmful liquids.

What is the use of 95 percent alcohol?

That is around the theoretical maximum yield of alcohol without being denatured. And by alcohol I'm assuming you mean ethanol (drinking alcohol), so the only uses would either be drinking (but I would not recommend doing this) or maybe fueling a car or some other vehicle that has been converted to work using alcohol as fuel. (but i believe even to fuel vehicles you need 100% alcohol which would require denatured ethanol using methanol.) P.S. - if you plan on drinking alcohol that is 95%, and if so I'm not going to ask where you got it because it isn't legal to sell in the U.S., please do not do so without WATERING DOWN the beverage. Because it only takes somewhere around several hundred milliliters of pure ethanol to kill someone [and in case you didn't know a fifth of hard alcohol is only 750mL], which isn't very much.

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Will sodium chloride dissolve in methanol?

The solubility of sodium chloride in methanol is 14 g/kg at 25 0C.

Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing Rf values in TLC Anthracene benzil tryphenylmethanol?

The order of increasing RF values in TLC is Benzil, methanol anthracene and tryphenyl.

Is gluconic acid soluble in methanol?

Yes, gluconic acid is soluble in methanol. Gluconic acid is a water-soluble compound with a high degree of solubility in polar solvents like methanol.

Is 3 Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone soluble in methanol?

Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone is not very soluble in methanol due to its non-polar nature and the methanol being more polar. However, small amounts may dissolve due to partial solubility.

What is the solubility profile of drotaverine hcl?

Drotaverine HCl is freely soluble in water, methanol, and ethanol. It has poor solubility in chloroform and insoluble in ether.

Would methanol be a better or poorer solvent for extraction of cholesterol from egg yolk compared to 2-propanol?

The solubility of cholesterol in methanol is 0.014. 2-propanol would be a better solvent than methanol for the extraction of cholesterol from egg yolk.

Is methanol good solvent for extraction?

Methanol is a commonly used solvent for extraction due to its polar nature and ability to dissolve a wide range of compounds. However, it is important to consider the toxicity of methanol and ensure proper safety precautions are taken when using it for extractions. It is also important to be aware of the regulations and guidelines surrounding the use of methanol in extraction processes.

Which answer lists the substances in order of decreasing solubility in water?

Ammonium chloride &gt; sodium chloride &gt; sucrose Sucrose &gt; sodium chloride &gt; ammonium chloride Sodium chloride &gt; ammonium chloride &gt; sucrose The correct answer is option 1: Ammonium chloride &gt; sodium chloride &gt; sucrose.

Solubility of azithromycin?

Azithromycin is generally soluble in organic solvents like ethanol and methanol, as well as in aqueous solutions at a pH range of 9-10. Its solubility can vary depending on the specific salt form or formulation of the drug.

Examples of organic elements?

Not organic elements but organic compounds as methanol, ethanol, benzene, acetone, glucose, acetic acid, dexamethazone, cyclohexane, carbon tetrachloride, etc.

Would Solutions of water and methanol makes hazy liquid?

Yes, mixing water and methanol can result in a hazy liquid. This cloudiness is due to the difference in polarity and miscibility of the two substances. Methanol is miscible with water but their different polarities can lead to temporary cloudiness as they mix.

From ethanol and methanol which is more soluble in water?

Ethanol is more soluble in water than methanol because ethanol has a longer hydrocarbon chain which increases its ability to hydrogen bond with water molecules, making it more soluble. Methanol has a shorter hydrocarbon chain which reduces its ability to hydrogen bond with water molecules, decreasing its solubility.