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Q: Read a stringcount and print number of 'a's in the string?
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All the smallest factors of a number must be its smallest factor, which for any number is 1, so: loop loop loop print "Enter an integer number: ": input n until num(n) do print "Please enter a number" repeat until n = int(n) do print "Please enter an integer" repeat print "Smallest factor of ":n:" is 1" repeat

What are the child support and custody laws in NY?

The law is too long to print here. You can read the law at the related link.The law is too long to print here. You can read the law at the related link.The law is too long to print here. You can read the law at the related link.The law is too long to print here. You can read the law at the related link.

How do you print . epub files?

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