Only 29 percent of all Americans say they read newspapers and just 23 percent read a print newspaper. Over the past decade the percentage reading a print newspaper has fallen by 18 points from 41 to 23 percent
99.999% of Americans know how to make paper airplanes
31.7 percentage of Americans own a Visa credit card. You can read more information at › Credit Card News
Read from the paper
Yes, African Americans did create paper. (Go African Americans!)
percentage of Americans live to be 93?
The question is ambiguous, Are you interested in what percentage of Asians are Americans, or what percentage of Americans are of Asian origin?
The percentage of Americans that invest in capital markets is: 32%.
20 %
The percentage of people in the US that can read is 99% .
Approximately 30% of Americans have at least one tattoo. This percentage has been steadily increasing over the years, particularly among younger generations.
what is the percentage of people that read and write in china
What percentage of African Americans make 75k a year or more.