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Q: Reasons why there is unequal distribution of land?
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Why do isotherms not run parallel?

Because the unequal distribution of land and water and ocean currents influence their direction.

Does normal distribution have two unequal parts?

It can do. If you define a quarter of it as one part and the rest as another, the two WILL be different! But the distribution IS symmetric about its mean.

What is the definition of skewed distribution?

Probability distribution in which an unequal number of observations lie below (negative skew) or above (positive skew) the mean.

What is the shape of the binomial probability distribution in rolling a die?

The distribution depends on what the variable is. If the key outcome is the number on the top of the die, the distribution in multinomial (6-valued), not binomial. If the key outcome is the number of primes, composite or neither, the distribution is trinomial. If the key outcome is the number of sixes, the distribution is binomial with unequal probabilities of success and failure. If the key outcome is odd or even the distribution is binomial with equal probabilities for the two outcomes. Thus, depending on the outcome of interest the distribution may or may not be binomial and, even when it is binomial, it can have different parameters and therefore different shapes.

Why are unequal class intervals sometimes used in Frequency distribution?

Because sometimes adjacent classes have to be merged so that the frequencies are not too small. This is important if anonymity is to be preserved. It is also important for statistical testing.

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How does unequal land distribution affect the economy and people of Brazil?


Would you agree that the distribution of cultivated land is unequal in palampur. Do you find a similar situation of India. Explain?

yes the distribution of cultivated land is unequal in palampur. it is so because in palampur many farmers are rich (about 60 families) which have plenty of land with them whereas there are some farmers who cannot afford large tracts of land due to economic difficulties. it is the same situation in India for the same reasons given above

What is the unequal distribution of particles?

An unequal distribution of particles is called an asymmetrical distribution. :)

What is Unequal distribution of income a result of?

Unequal Distribution of invcome results in the rise of POVERTY.

Why do isotherms not run parallel?

Because the unequal distribution of land and water and ocean currents influence their direction.

What is Molecules that have an unequal distribution of charge are called?

Molecules that have an unequal distribution of electrons are calle

How do countries respond to the unequal distribution of resources?

The science of economics helps countries cope with the unequal distribution and scarcity of resources.

How do countries respond to unequal distribution of resources?

The science of Economics helps countries cope with the unequal distribution and scarcity of resources.

What is unequal land dristribution?

Unequal land distribution refers to an imbalance in the ownership and access to land, where a small percentage of the population or entities control a large portion of land, while the majority have limited or no land ownership. This can lead to social, economic, and political disparities, as well as hinder equitable development and opportunities for marginalized groups.

Why can globalization lead to radically unequal economic growth?

An unequal distribution of economic power

Why is there an unequal distribution of population of the Philippines?

Because there is you and me in your heart

Was there unequal distribution of income Great Depression?
