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Q: Replacement rate the number of births needed to keep a population at a stable level without immigration requires a total fertility of?
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What are applications of mathematics and statistics in geography?

Population studies is one area which requires mathematics and statistics.

As defined in the text random sampling requires sampling with replacement?

Not necessarily. A random sample can occur with or without replacement, depending on what makes more sense. For instance, trying to calculate the odds of a dice roll would require a random sample with replacement (because it is perfectly possible to get a 6 on each and every die); trying to calculate the odds of a poker hand, however, would require random sampling without replacement (the ace of spades can only show up once in any given round of dealing). when the population size is large enough, the difference between the two is meaningless; people who make national surveys, for instance, usually choose people randomly without replacement (there's no possibility they will survey the same person twice) but treat it as though the were sampling with replacement (because the math is easier). The only requirement for a random sample is that each object that might be chosen has a known and well-defined probability of being chosen at any given moment. For random samples with replacement that probability is always the same; For random samples without replacement that probability is determined by the objects that have previously been selected.

How common are legs of different lengths?

LLD is common in the general population, with 23% of the population having a discrepancy of 0.4 in (1 cm) or more. One person out of 1000 requires a corrective device such as a shoe lift.

What does population size means?

Statistics often requires one to make estimates of some measure (variable) about a set of units. The total number of such units is the population size. Note that population, in this context, need not refer to people. If the study is about household expenditure on food (in some area), then the population is all households and the population size is the number of households (in that area). If the study is about diversity of insects in a field, the population may be all 1-metre squares in the field, and the size of the population will be the number of such plots - which will equal the area of the field.

Is a z test or t test used more often?

t test, because the z test requires knowing the population standard deviation and that's rare. The t test embodies an estimate of the standard deviation.

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If a circuit requires an IR LED, it requires an IR LED, there is no replacement. If a circuit does not require an IR LED, there is no need to look for a replacement.

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population, cooperation, assistance

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Companies hiring an executive replacement are Bridgestone Firestone, Avantt Consulting, HR Toolkit, and Direct Financial. Each of these companies requires a resume and interview.

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Severe dehydration from shigellosis usually requires intravenous fluid replacement.

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A question such as this requires context.

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Addisons, for whoever is doing the study guide for chapter 14!

How do you change a flywheel for a 1998 Ford Contour?

flywheel replacement generally requires removal of the Transmission and Torque Converter .