250 square foot
60 square feet would be 60 one foot square tiles. Get 5 or 6 extra for breakage.
It depends on the size of the bricks.
A 30 square foot room. That means a room that is 3 feet by 10 feet.
Well, lets see now: if it was one foot wide? It would be 435 feet long! Does that help?
250 square foot
150 square foot
Industry wide surveys show that the average size of a great room is about 550 square feet. This is variable from about 400 square foot to about 750 square.
60 square feet would be 60 one foot square tiles. Get 5 or 6 extra for breakage.
A 3x12 room is 36 square feet. This means that to fill the floor in the 3x12 room, it will take 36 tiles that are each 1 square foot (12x12) in size.
It depends on the size of each square.
The number of lumens needed to light a room depends on the size of the room and the desired level of brightness. As a general guideline, you can use around 20 lumens per square foot for general lighting. For example, a 100 square foot room would need approximately 2000 lumens for good lighting.
There are 32 square feet in a banner of this size.
A room which is 139.4 square metres in size.
A room 20 feet by 20 feet will have a floor that size.
It depends on the size of the bricks.