Sure thing, honey! Round 2.7183 to the nearest ten-thousandth, and you get 2.7183. Ain't that a hoot? So, there you have it, all dressed up and rounded to the nearest ten-thousandth, just for you!
To the nearest ten thousandth: 1.7725 To the nearest ten thousand: zero
To the nearest tenth: 0.1 To the nearest hundredth: 0.06 To the nearest thousandth: 0.056 To the nearest ten thousandth: 0.0563 To the nearest hundred thousandth: 0.05626 To the nearest millionth: 0.056263
To the nearest ten: 40 To the nearest one: 36 To the nearest tenth: 36.2 To the nearest hundredth: 36.22 To the nearest thousandth: 36.217
round to the nearest ten thousandth 44.24862486
It is already rounded to the nearest ten thousandth, so nothing needs to change.
Sure thing, honey! Round 2.7183 to the nearest ten-thousandth, and you get 2.7183. Ain't that a hoot? So, there you have it, all dressed up and rounded to the nearest ten-thousandth, just for you!
It is then 1.3760 when rounded to the nearest ten thousandths
Nearest ten THOUSAND : 40000. Nearest ten THOUSANDTH : 43678.4268.
1.37602 rounded to the nearest ten-thousandths is 1.3760
To the nearest ten thousandth, 12.1756 To the nearest ten thousand, zero.
It is 0.0014