0.56 rounded to nearest dollar is $1.00
100.9 rounded to the nearest dollar is 101.
$3.49 rounded to the nearest dollar is $3.00
86.29 cents, rounded to the nearest dollar is 1 dollar.
9.25,cents, rounded to the nearest dollar is 0 dollars.
To the nearest ten cents it will round up to give 67.20 as your answer. It would round down to 67 for the nearest dollar.
Yes, it can be done.
$7.01 to the nearest dollar is $7.00
$4.12 rounded to the nearest dollar is $4.00
0.56 rounded to nearest dollar is $1.00
100.9 rounded to the nearest dollar is 101.
$3.49 rounded to the nearest dollar is $3.00
86.29 cents, rounded to the nearest dollar is 1 dollar.
9.25,cents, rounded to the nearest dollar is 0 dollars.
4534 to the nearest thousand is 5000 3.28 to the nearest dollar is 3.00