658 rounded to nearest 100 is 700
To round on a digit, look at the next digit to the right, the deciding digit. If this is less than 5, leave the digit alone, otherwise (if it is 5 or more) add one to the digit. Then replace the deciding digit and all the digits to its right by zero.
So for 658, rounding on the 100s, the 6 is being rounded, so the deciding digit is the next to the right which is the 5. It is 5 or more, so add one to the 6; replace the deciding digit and all the digits to its right by zero: 658 -> 700.
7 at 10000th place, so the no. becomes 600000
75 rounds up to 100
5 rounded to the nesrest tens is 10
Rounded to the nearest hundred-thousandth, 0.855432 is 0.85543
7 at 10000th place, so the no. becomes 600000
75 rounds up to 100
658 to the nearest tens is 660
5 rounded to the nesrest tens is 10
Rounded to the nearest hundred-thousandth, 0.855432 is 0.85543
3000, 4000.
It is 700000. And the spelling is not "hunderd".
If you round 2909 to the nearest 1000, the answer is 3000.