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Q: Rule for the sign of the product of more than two integers?
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What is the rule in mulitplying integers with unlike sign?

One rule is that the product of two integers with unlike signs will have a minus sign for the product.

What is rule in unlike sign in integers?

Subtract and the Keep the sign of the one that has more

What is the sign of the product of three integers with same sign?

What is the product of three same sign of integers

How can you determine the sign of the product when multiplying two or more integers?

If there are an odd number of numbers with a negative sign then the sign of the product is negative. Otherwise it is positive.

How can you tell the sign of a product of more than two integers?

If there is any zero in the set of integers, their product is zero.If there is an odd number of negative integers, then the product is negative, whereas if there is an even number of negative values, the product is positive.

What is the product of 3 integers with the same sign?

It is the product of their absolute values with the common sign.

What is the sign of the product of 6 negative integers and 2 positive integers?

The product of 2 (or more) positives is positive. The product of 2 negatives is positive. So product of 6 negatives = 3*(product of two negatives) = product of 3 positives = positive. So overall sign is positive.

What is the sign of the product when you multiply three negative integers?

The sign of a product of three negative integers is a negative sign.Example:-3*-3*-3=-27

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What is the product of 2 integers with like sign?

positive :)

What is the sign of the product of 7 negative integers?

It is negative.

What is the sign of the product of two unlike integers?
