

What is the rule in mulitplying integers with unlike sign?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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One rule is that the product of two integers with unlike signs will have a minus sign for the product.

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Q: What is the rule in mulitplying integers with unlike sign?
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What is rule in unlike sign in integers?

Subtract and the Keep the sign of the one that has more

What is the rule in adding integers with unlike sign?

it depends to the value of the number,when the greater value caries the positive sign,your answer must be positive,when it carries the negative sign,your answer is negative.

What is the rule of adding integers with unlike signs?

The magnitude of the answer is the difference between the two numbers and it has the sign of the integer which has the bigger magnitude. I guess so?

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How will you add integers with unlike signs?

To add two integers with unlike signs: -- Find the difference between their sizes, ignoring their signs. -- Give the difference the sign of the integer with the larger size.

What can you say about the sign of the sum of two integers with unlike sign?

Depends on how large each integer is. +1-2 or +2-1. Different signs depending on the size of the integers.

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For each pair of such integers, find the difference between the absolute values of the two integers and allocate the sign of the bigger number to it.

Rules in subtracting like and unlike sign?

to subtrct integers ,rewrite as adding opposites and use the rules for addtion of integers..