in:math and science
The question is not altogether clear, but in a question such as What is x% of y? (where x and y are numbers), y is the original value. Incidentally, since x% of y is the same as y% of x, it does not matter all that much.
If you mean what is the name for what x, y, and z when used in math, then the word is variable.
The independent data goes on the x-axis. The x-axis is the abscissa and the vertical y-axis is the ordinate.
Yttrium is a science word. It is a chemical element with the symbol Y and the atomic number 39.
The x-axis is the independent variable. The y-axis is the dependent variable. [:
It has more to do with Technology or Applied Science. 'Discovery' would be the more Pure Science-y word.
No word starting with the letter y contains the letter x.
X. Y. has written: 'What is life?' -- subject(s): Religion and science, Creation, Spirit, Atoms
y u like pie sexxy
Ytterbium and Yttrium are chemical elements. They begin with the letter Y.
A reciprocal. x is the reciprocal of y means that x*y = 1 Also, if x is the reciprocal of y then y is the reciprocal of x.