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Q: Scientific notation rounded off to 3 significant digits 636.42 equals?
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How do you write 862500 in scientific notation rounding to three significant digits?

862,400 in scientific notation rounded to three significant digits is 8.63 x 10^5

What is 000025 scientific notation?

The initial zeros are not significant digits. Therefore, the scientific notation for this number is 2.5 X 10.

What is 123679000 in scientific notation?

123,679,000 in Scientific Notation = 1.23679 x 108

How can you use scientific notation to identify the significant digits in certain numbers?

If done correctly, the coefficient of the scientific notation has the same number of significant figures as the whole number.

How can you use a scientific notation to identify the significant digits in certain numbers?

If done correctly, the coefficient of the scientific notation has the same number of significant figures as the whole number.

Express the number 299792458 ms to four significant digits using scientific notation?

299,792,458 ms in Scientific Notation = 2.99792458 x 108 ms

What is the product of 392 and 0.13592 with the correct significant digits and proper scientific notation?


How many significant digits are found in 33000?

There is no way to know how many significant digits are in 33000. If you are forced to choose then there are 2 significant digits but, again, there is really no way to tell. If the count of significant digits is important, the number should be expressed in scientific notation.

Ow many significant digits are in the number 0.007080?

In scientific notation that number would be written as 7.080 x 10-3 and it would have four significant digits.

How do you Express the number 29792458 ms to four significant digits using scientific notation?

29 792 458 in significant figures is 29 790 000, and written in scientific notation is 2.979*10^7

What is 686.88 rounded to 3 significant digits?

686.88 rounded to 3 significant digits is 687

What is 2340567 rounded to five significant digits?

2,340,567 rounded to five significant digits is 2,340,600