There are three significant digits in 60.1.
The first 3 significant digits of a number are the first 3 digits starting from the left ignoring any leading zeros. So 31456 = 31500 (3 significant digits) The 5 in the "56" rounds the 4 up.
Three. All nonzero digits are significant and zeros in between significant digits are always significant.
It is 4730.
686.88 rounded to 3 significant digits is 687
It is 1570000 rounded to 3 significant figures
To round numbers to 3 significant figures, identify the first three non-zero digits from the left. If the digit after the third significant figure is 5 or more, round up the last significant figure. If the digit after the third significant figure is less than 5, keep the last significant figure the same. Trailing zeroes can be kept to maintain the significant figures.
1,040 to 3 s.f., or 1,040 (3 s.f.) or 1,040.
The digits of a value which can be used with accuracy with other values. ie- you have two measurements, 13.6mg and 15.716mg. The most digits you can use are 3, because 13.6 has an accuracy of 3 digits. If you used 5 digits, accuracy would be limited because you do not know/have the 4th and 5th digits of the first value. When a a significant digit is followed by an exact 5, round to the nearest even digit. ie- 2.03g and 3.045g You have 3 significant digits, so 3.04g is rounded to 3.04g. If it were 3.055g, it would get rounded to 3.06g.
11225 g rounded off to 3 significant figures is 11200 g. You drop the 2 and the 5 because they are not significant in this case. It's like saying "bye Felicia" to those extra digits.
3 significant digits.
No, it has 3 significant digits.
It has 3 significant digits.
000203 has 3 significant digits.