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analysing cores of ice and rock formations

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Q: Scientists are able to accurately determine the atmospheric composition from thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago by what means?
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How do scientists use gamma rays to determine to composition of a planet?


How do scientists determine a stars composition?

Light wavelength and light spectrum i believe.

How do scientists use gamma rays to determine the composition of a planet?

They use spectroscopy.

What acts as fingerprints to help scientists determine a star's composition?

Spectral lines - nn

Which is a method scientists use to determine the composition of earths layers?

Shooting seismic waves into the planet

What is a method scientists use to determine the composition of earths layers?

Type your answer here... D.Comparing the composition of the crust to other bodies in the solar system

Scientists study small pockets of air trapped deep within frozen glaciers. What are scientists trying to understand about the climate of Earth by analyzing these ice samples?

By analyzing ice core samples, scientists can determine past levels of greenhouse gases, temperature changes, and atmospheric conditions. This helps to understand how the Earth's climate has changed over time and can provide valuable insights into current and future climate trends.

Scientists have been able to determine the composition of earths layer by what?

making inferences based on data from seismic waves.

One way in which scientists can determine the surface temperature of a star is by its A. brightness. B. composition. C. color. D. mass.?

its color does determine the temperature of star.

When testing soil composition in various locations scientists are able to determine the age of the earth's?

Scientists determine the age of the Earth through radiometric dating methods, which analyze the decay of radioactive isotopes in rocks and minerals. By studying the composition of soil in different locations, scientists can establish a timeline of geological processes that have shaped the Earth, providing insights into its age and history.

Is the chemical composition of a gas determined by its analysis of the spectral lines of the gas?

Yes, the chemical composition of a gas can be determined by analyzing its spectral lines. Each chemical element and molecule emits or absorbs light at specific wavelengths, creating a unique spectral signature that can be used to identify the components of a gas mixture. By studying the spectral lines produced by a gas, scientists can determine its chemical composition accurately.

Can Scientists learn about the chemical composition of stars by analyzing the light they transmit.?

Scientists can learn the composition of a star from the amount and types of electromagnetic radiation, including light, that it gives off. Additionally, scientists can determine the rate of nuclear fusion from the amount of light released per unit of time.