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The temperatrue and water speed.

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Izzy Midorya

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this just made my homework take less time thank you 🙏

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Q: What kind of data do scientists need to collect to determine if the climate of Ireland is changing?
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Why do Americans use Fahrenheit instead of celsius?

Because they are conservative. The rest of the world, apart form Burma and Liberia, have adopted the SI system because it is a far superior system of measurement but the US stubbornly does not view that as progress. Is that because it was not led by Americans, I wonder! US scientists have adopted it - and when NASA scientists did not, it led to the disaster of the Mars climate orbiter.

What other factors may play a large role in determining climate?

the presence of dark spot on sun keeps the climate in balanced state ,as these dark spots are a result some reactions radiating large amount of heat. if no dark spots are visible ,the climate will become unstable due to less heat reaching the earth's surface-as is now in2008-10. From 2 years the sun spots have vanished from sun and it had been a concern for the scientists all over the world. further climate change cannot be estimated . in 1700's during the reign of aurangzeb,the sun spots remained vanised for a long period of time and the climate in Europe decreased to such a extent that the people thought that the ice has come back.........

How does the number of sunspots change over time?

The number of sunspots on the sun varies over a period of 10 or 11 years. Some scientists have hypothesized that short-term changes in climate on Earth may be related to sunspot cycles. Satellites have recently collected data that show that the amount of energy the sun produces changes slightly from year to year. Some scientists think that these increases and decreases, which may be linked to the number of sunspots, may cause changes in Earth's temperature.

One horsepower equals how many miles per hour?

Horsepower doesn't determine speed. Even with the weight of the vehicle, climate (road conditions, etc.) and every other factor, horsepower still doesn't translate to an exact speed, but rather a potential amount of power that can be applied.

How do you use the word factors in a sentence?

you can find the factors of a number my using a factor tree

Related questions

How do scientists determine when one era ends?

Scientists determine when one era ends by looking at significant geological, climatic, or biological events that mark a distinct change in the earth's history. These events are usually reflected in the rock record or fossil record and help to establish boundaries between different geological eras.

Why do climate scientists believe climate change is real and is of concern?

Climate scientists believe in climate change because of overwhelming evidence showing increases in global temperatures, sea levels, and extreme weather events. These changes are primarily driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Climate change poses significant risks to ecosystems, economies, and human health around the world, making it a major concern for scientists and policymakers.

Why do scientists think that climate is changing?

Scientists believe that climate is changing primarily due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to a warming effect known as global warming. Additionally, scientists observe changes in temperature, sea level rise, and extreme weather events as evidence of climate change.

Do scientists make up the earth's changing climate?

No, scientists neither create the climate, nor imagine the changes occurring within it. Instead, they measure the change.Some climate scientists are financially or politically motivated (generally by the fossil fuel industry) to find no correlation between human activity and climate change. Most scientists, however, lack any financial incentive to find one way or the other. Claims climate scientists not funded by the fossil fuel industry are financially invested in the outcomes of their research are simply false. In fact, climate scientists have an incentive to overturn the current findings. This is how scientists win fame and acclaim--NOT by upholding established findings.

Why are there not any rainforests in Ireland?

This is because rainforests are closer to the equator than Ireland is, we have a temperate climate.

Why aren't any snakes in Ireland?

Scientists have found no fossil evidence of snakes living in Ireland going back to the last ice age. Once the glaciers retreated, the climate warmed and sea levels rose snakes were unable, evidently, to reach the island of Ireland from the mainland of Europe.

What type of scientist studies global warming?

A climatologist or environmental scientist typically studies global warming. They focus on the causes, impacts, and potential solutions related to the increase in the Earth's average surface temperature.

What are the main factor determine climate?

The main factors that determine climate are precipitation, wind, temperature and location. These all come together to determine an areas climate.

Is your climate in the US changing?

No :)

What is a climate change sceptic?

A climate change skeptic is someone who believes one of the following: a. That the climate of the Earth is not changing at an unusually rapid rate, or b. That the climate is changing but people are not responsible for this situation.

Is the Texas climate changing?

The climate everywhere remains in a constant state of flux. It is always changing. It Texas, as across most of earth, the climate is currently changing substantially faster than by any strictly natural means.

Do scientists disagree or agree on why the climate is changing?

The majority of scientists agree that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, are the primary cause of recent climate change. However, there may be some disagreements on specific aspects or details of climate change research.