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Q: Seven and one half percent is equivalent to the decimal number 0.075 If the sales tax rate is 712 what is the sales tax on a 10.00 purchase?
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What is 5.125 percent as a decimal?

5.1254 as a decimal is .005125. To find the decimal equivalent of a number simply move the decimal two places to the left.

How do you change 6.6 percent to decimal?

Divide percent by 100 to get the equivalent plain old number. 6.6 percent = 0.066

What is 4 percent of 16836.98 equal to?

To find a percent of a number, multiply the percent's equivalent decimal and the number. 4% = 0.04 0.04 * 16836.98 = 673.4792

What is the decimal name for 190 percent?

1.9 is the decimal for 190 percent. The easiest way to convert is to multiply the number expressed as a percent (in this case 190) by .01 and that will give one the decimal equivalent. Or, just remember to take the pecent number and move the decimal over 2 places to the left.

How to get 12 percent of a number?

To get 12 percent of a number, multiply the given number by the decimal equivalent of 12% which is 0.12. Example: 12% of 15 = 0.12 * 15 = 1.8

How can 55 percent be expressed as a decimal?

Sure. 55% of something is equal to multiplying the "something" number by 55/100, which is 0.55 in decimal equivalent.

How do you find a given percent of a number?

Multiply that number by the decimal equivalent of the percentage. 70% of 340 = 340 x 0.7 = 238

what decimals and percents have in common?

A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.

What is the equivalent decimal and percent for the mixed number 2 and seven eighths?

2 and 7/8 = 2.875 = 287.5%

How do you write an equivalent decimal?

An equivalent decimal is the same exact number with added decimal places. For example:Find the equivalent decimal of: 0.5Equivalent decimals of this number would include:0.500.5000.5000As long as the value of the number remains the same, it is an equivalent decimal. Basically, you are adding zeroes after the number.

What is 120 percent as a decimal?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 120 percent is equal to 1.2. In other words, to find 120 percent of a number requires you to multiply the number by 1.2. For example, finding 120 percent of 500 is equivalent to multiplying 500 x 1.2 = 600.

What is 117 percent as a decimal number?

117% as a decimal number is 1.17