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300 cm is about 12 feet. Don't jump in!

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Q: Should a 6 ft tall person who does not know how to swim jump into a pool of water that is 300 cm deep?
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How do you jump into a pool of water from 120 feet?

I would definitely go feet first after checking to see how deep the water is first. Then jump away to clear the side and let gravity do the rest. I would blindfold myself, then think of the person i like, then jump

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U don't, u just jump in deep water

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well first of all fish need water 24/7 so wut they do for water is that they jump up in the air and take a big deep,deep breath and die

How shallow a pool can you jump into?

Jumping into shallow pools can be dangerous and increase the risk of injury, including hitting the bottom of the pool and suffering from head or spinal injuries. It is recommended to always check the depth of the water before jumping in and ensure it is deep enough to safely accommodate your jump. A general guideline is a minimum depth of at least 5-6 feet to jump safely into a pool.

Should you put water in a jump o lene?

No, you should not put water in a jump o lene as it is not designed for water use and can cause damage to the jump o lene. It can also make it slippery and increase the risk of accidents.

What should you do if your boat catches fire?

jump in the water

What is compact jump?

A compact jump is when you need to jump into deep water from a height. You put one arm across your chest, the other hand/ arm covers your mouth and nose. Legs are always straight.

What is a Compact Jump?

A compact jump is when you need to jump into deep water from a height. You put one arm across your chest, the other hand/ arm covers your mouth and nose. Legs are always straight.

How far can an average person jump into water?

20-30 feet

How deep is the tongan sea?

if you stay in the shallow part you wont drown. My tongan cousins and I would always jump off of this rock into the water. the water isn't that deep but the ocean itself is pretty deep. don't go to far it will get deeper and deeper.

What If a Frog leaps 3 meters far then suddenly fell into a dry well which is 4 meters deep How would the frog get out from the deep well?

there is water on the top so u could jump. 4 meters deep water he could be on the top part and jumpd