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No.. My child gets on the bus at 8am and dont get home until a little after 4pm. I do like spending time with my children, and if they go to 6 days a week I would not get to spend much time with him.

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Q: Should children go to school 6 day a week?
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Do children in Israel have school 5 days a week?

No. Israeli children have school 6 days a week, Sunday-Friday. Admittedly, the school-day is shorter, so they still only have 30 or so hours of schooling a week; it's just spread over more days.

Should children come to school with molluscum?

Yes, children should continue to attend school or day care with molluscum. Lesions should be covered if they aren't covered by clothes.

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Depending on the holy day of the week of the predominant religion in a country, the last day of the SCHOOL week would be either Friday or Saturday.

Do modern day Egyptian children go to school Monday through Friday?

School week is Sunday to Thursday. Weekend is Friday-Saturday.

Should children have longer school days?

No. Children spend most hours of their day at school, and afterwards have many hours of homework. If school days were to be longer, homework should be banished allowing children to be able to socialise

The first day of the school week?

Monday is the first day of the school week (in the US).Most schools start their week on Monday.

How many hours do children go to school in Australia?

Approximately 6 hours a day 5 days a week with an hours break during the day.

Should a four day school week be implemented?

No, a six day school week 50 weeks a year should be put in place. That way kids will understand how hard it is to be an adult and have to work throughout the year. (And they might learn to spell 'school' and 'implemented' properly!) i think that you should go 4 days a week so they will get more rest and be able to think harder

What is the busiest day of the week for Target?

It is Saturday because the children are free from school so they ask mum to buy things for them.

How many hours are you at school in a month?

If you're in school for 6 hours a day and 5 days a week, it should be about 120 hours.