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Q: Should it be set up so that everyone gets an equal share?
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Should people have a limited water supply?

Yes, because limited water supply is helpful to keeping our water supply nice and organized and that everyone gets an equal share of water

Does same and equal have the same meaning?

No, fair means everyone gets what they need, equal means everyone is treated the that fair?

Who gets a deceased parents money in the bank account?

If there is a will, then the beneficiary gets the money. If there is no will all the children of the decedent get an equal share of the money.

What is prorata basis?

In means 'in proportion'. For example, if money is given out pro rata, every one gets an equal share

What is Equity in the workplace?

If there is equity in the workplace, it means that everyone gets equal treatment. They also get equal pay for doing the same job, as well as the same opportunities for advancement.

How can families created out of second marriage learn to function as one?

The best way to do so is to ensure that everyone is included in all decisions and activities, and that everyone gets a fair share of attention and love and support.

How families created out of second marriage learn to function as one?

The best way to do so is to ensure that everyone is included in all decisions and activities, and that everyone gets a fair share of attention and love and support.

What is the basic structure of communication?

The basic structure of Communism is government at the top, which controls the economy, production, and distribution of goods, and the people, which are expected to work and share equally. Under communism the general idea would be group ownership of everything, and the government only there to ensure that the idea works, and everyone gets a fair share. The theory sounds good, but it doesn't often seem to work out in actual practice.The basic structure of communism is everyone is to receive equal shares derived from their labor.

Can you make a sentence with the word share?

You should always share with your friends or else they won't share with you.If we all do our share of the work, we'll finish quickly.He bought one share of the company's stock.Both drivers share some responsibility for the accident.The little girl offered to share her toys.Northern Wisconsin gets more than its fair share of snow each winter.

What should you do If your dog is scared of everyone and won't seem to change?

You should try to get it around family members then if it gets used to your family get it around community people.

How would you write 4 teammates share 5 granola bars. Equal shares.. Would I write 5 halves?

Everybody gets one and they split the fifth one four ways. The share is one and one fourth. 5/4

What does everyone have that he or she can count on?

everyone has is what gets us through life.