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It is considered inappropriate to staple business letters no matter how many pages are involved. More acceptable to number the pages and leave them loose. Not necessarily, most businesses do not unstabled letters are easier to file.

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Q: Should letters be stapled if more than one page?
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How much should you weigh at age 8?

There is no set answer to what you should weigh as an 8-year-old. This is because weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. For more information, or to view the height/weight charts for children, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What are roman numerals from 20-1000?

Whoa, no way! That's way too many letters. That would take up at least a page, maybe more. For roman numerals, you want to keep the range at 10, maybe 100 at most. This has a range of 920!

What state reads the same when written vertically down the page in block capital letters and viewed in a mirror?

That could be O H I O or I O W A

How long is a 150 to 200 word answer?

It's about 3/4 of an A4 page if you don't write with really small letters It's best to check your own handwriting. Count the words of an average line on a page. Important is not to count the "a-s, the-s, and-s" and such

How much you should weigh if you are a 13-year-old?

This is a question that depends on your height, age, exercise habits and other factors. If you weigh more than 160 pounds and you are less than 6 feet tall you should see a nutritionist.In other words, there is no particular weight that you should be, as a 13-year-old, because weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. For more information about weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various stages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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Where should a two page paper be stapled at?

Top left

Where would a two-page report would usually be stapled?

upper left hand corner

How do I get Disney channel number?

Go to and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and you should she a contact in bold letters.

What should the vertical alignment be for a letter?

It should be vertically aligned to the top of the page. Letters are usually type from the type of the page, though within the area that the margins enclose. Headers and footers would be put between the edge of the page and the top and bottom margins respectively.

What must you include in the header of a page?

In the header of a title page people must include the term "Running Head:" followed by the paper's title in capital letters. Every page of the document should have a header including the title of the paper and the page number.

How should the words running head look in the header of the cover page?

"Running head" should be left-aligned in the header of the cover page, followed by a colon and then the shortened version of your title in all capital letters. Make sure it is consistently formatted throughout the document.

What is on page 232 of twilight?


Meaning of front page of newspaper?

this page is where you can find the headline that is written in bold letters.

Are page numbers needed on a resume?

No, page numbers are not necessary on a resume. It is recommended to keep your resume to one page, so including page numbers is not required. Cover letters and reference lists can be on separate pages and may benefit from page numbers if they are more than one page.

Is the title page in apa format always capital?

Yes, the title page in APA format is always written in uppercase and lowercase letters. The title of the paper is centered and written in bold font, along with other key elements such as the author's name, institutional affiliation, and running head.

What is the firs page of a website called it has four letters second letter is o?

Home page

How do register on Facebook?

Simply go to It should say Sign Up in big letters, fill out the information on the page and click sign up.