10 In the hexadecimal number system (commonly referred to as hex), A follows 9 as a digit. In decimal (the common number system), 10 (a two digit number) follows 9.
number to be added to 97 to get the smallest three digit number = 3smallest three digit number = 100100 - 97 = 3
We have the relationship h = 1/3t, t = 1/3o, where h represents the hundred's digit, t represents the ten's digit, and o represents the unit's digit of the number. By substitution we get that h = 1/9o or o = 9h. The only possible solution among the digits {0, 1, 2, ..., 9} is o = h = 0 which leads to the number 000 which is not a three digit number, and o = 9, h = 1. It then follows that t = 1/3(9) = 3.Thus, the number is 139.
It is not a question of invention. The procedure follows from the fact that a decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right.
10 In the hexadecimal number system (commonly referred to as hex), A follows 9 as a digit. In decimal (the common number system), 10 (a two digit number) follows 9.
Truncation is an operation whereby a long decimal representation of a number is stopped after a given number of digits, taking no account of the digit which follows. This is different from rounding where the final digit retained may be increased by 1 if the following digits make a number which is greater than half a unit.
number to be added to 97 to get the smallest three digit number = 3smallest three digit number = 100100 - 97 = 3
Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number involves multiplying the digits in the ones and tens place and then adding the products. Similarly, multiplying a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number follows the same principle, where you multiply the digits in the ones, tens, and hundreds place and then add the products. The main difference is that in the latter case, you are dealing with three sets of digits to multiply and add, whereas in the former, you only have two sets of digits.
The smallest 2-digit WHOLE number (without any zeroes behind it) should be 10.
To divide a single digit number by a double digit number,you first have to understand its obviously isn't easy. The following should help: *Put a zero on the area of the quotient and add a decimal point next to it. * After doing this,divide as if both numbers were two digit numbers and proceed You should get the answer.
At the bottom of the check. It should be a 10 digit number to the right of the 9 digit routing on the bottom left.
We have the relationship h = 1/3t, t = 1/3o, where h represents the hundred's digit, t represents the ten's digit, and o represents the unit's digit of the number. By substitution we get that h = 1/9o or o = 9h. The only possible solution among the digits {0, 1, 2, ..., 9} is o = h = 0 which leads to the number 000 which is not a three digit number, and o = 9, h = 1. It then follows that t = 1/3(9) = 3.Thus, the number is 139.
Zero is considered a significant digit when it is to the left or the right of the decimal point. It is also a significant digit when it follows a non-zero digit or when it is between two digits.
It is not a question of invention. The procedure follows from the fact that a decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right.
The number '8' should be written as the digit '8'.