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Q: Should you do first when evaluating the expression 15-5(15-7?
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In evaluating a logical expression of the boolean expression 1 and and boolean expression 2 both the boolean expression are not always evaluted?

That is correct. Any processor worth it's salt will, when evaluating an expression like "1 and 0 and 1 and 1 and 0" will get as far as the first zero and "realize" that full expression will result in false regardless of the rest.

When evaluating a numerical expression you should simplify all expressions inside what first?

Think of the saying,"Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally." You solve inside the parentheses first, then exponents, multlipication/division, and finally addition/subtraction.

What is the Order of Operations that governs what is done first when evaluating an numerical expression that involves two or more operations?

When evaluating an expression, do these in this order:work out what is inside any parentheses firstnext, do exponentsmultiplication and division are done in the order you see them, from left to right.addition and subtraction are done in the order you see them, from left to right.

How do you evaluate an expression with more than two operation symbol without exponent and parenthesis?

In Evaluating Expression first,replace each letter in the expression with the assigned value. second,perform the operations in the expression using the correct order of operations and the last you got the answer

What is the first thing you should do when evaluating a solution?

The first thing to do when evaluating a solution is to clearly define the problem or challenge that needs to be addressed. This helps ensure that the solution aligns with the specific objectives and requirements of the situation.

Can you Compare while and do-while?

The 'while' statement evaluates its expression at the beginning of the loop, while a 'do while' statement evaluates its expression at the end of the loop. The 'while' statement might execute no times. The 'do while' statement will execute at least one time. It depends on what you want to do, and on how you want to use the side effects, if any, of the expressions in the expression. (Before or after)

What Should you ask yourself in drawing a conclusion about a experiment?

Did you prove or disprove your hypothesis? This is the first question to ask when evaluating an experiment.

What is the first step in evaluating the expression 12 plus 7-2?

12 + 7 - 2 12 + 7 = 19 19 - 2 = 17 or 7 - 2 = 5 5 + 12 = 17

Are the symbols used to show which operation or operations in an expression should be done first?


Why should gay people be able to express themselves?

Because freedom of expression is guaranteed in the first amendment to the constitution. Also because it's ethically right to allow free expression.

What English mathematician published the first book evaluating pi?

William Shanks

What is the first step when evaluating?

The first step when evaluating is to clearly define the goal or objective you want to achieve. This will help guide the evaluation process and determine what criteria you will use to assess the effectiveness or success of the subject being evaluated.