i had a graph
Both ends of the the box (the "whiskers") plot determine the range of your data, without including outliers. (Outliers are marked by an asterisk). The end of the left side of the box is the lower quartile. The line in the box is the median. The other end of the box represent the upper quartile.
None - as long as the ouliers move away from the median - which they should.
A Scale Should Make The Graph Readable
you should use a bar graph
Outliers will make give the graph a long tail (or tails). Overall, the graph will be flatter and wider.
A picture put into a graph is a picture put into a graph
there are no limits to outliers there are no limits to outliers
I would be tempted to use a box-plot or a scatter graph. Those are the first two that come to mind.
i had a graph
The ISBN of Outliers - book - is 9780316017923.
Both ends of the the box (the "whiskers") plot determine the range of your data, without including outliers. (Outliers are marked by an asterisk). The end of the left side of the box is the lower quartile. The line in the box is the median. The other end of the box represent the upper quartile.
Go to paragraph put lines and spacing and it is there or it should be...
None - as long as the ouliers move away from the median - which they should.
you draw a circle and then put it on a graph
Literary lessons is what you should put, because that's what you need with a question like that.
"Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell has approximately 320 pages in its paperback edition.