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Q: Should you use the median or mean to describe a data set if the data are not skewed?
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Would you consider two data sets similar or different if they have the same mean median and range but one is positively skewed and other negatively skewed?

If the skewness is different, then the data sets are different.Incidentally, there is one [largely obsolete] definition of skewness which is in terms of the mean and median. Under that definition, it would be impossible for two data sets to have equal means and equal medians but opposite skewness.

What is need of skewing?

Skewing in mathematics deals with statistics and with the averages of a given set of numbers. When talking about skewing, the group of numbers is usually skewed to the left, meaning most of the data falls below the median, or to the right, making most of the data above the median. Skewing can be caused by pieces of the data being very high above or below the rest of the data.

Is there a chart for skewed data?

There isn't a specific chart for skewed data, but you could use a number of different charts to show that data is skewed. An Area chart could be used for example, or a column chart could also work. It would depend in the nature of the data.

What does mean mode and median have in common?

They all describe data set or data sets,hey tell you how far apart they are from each other.

Advantages and disadvantages of mean in statistics?

MEDIANUse the median to describe the middle of a set of data that does have an outlier.Advantages:• Extreme values (outliers) do not affect the median as strongly as they do the mean.• Useful when comparing sets of data.• It is unique - there is only one answer.Disadvantages:• Not as popular as mean.

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When is the mean not a valid statistic to describe a set of data?

The population data may be skewed and thus the mean is not a valid statistic. If mean > median, the data will be skewed to the right. If median > mean, the data is skewed to the left.

When might you want to use the median to describe the center of a data set instead of then mean?

You would use the median if the data were very skewed, with extreme values.

When is data negatively or positively skewed?

i) Since Mean<Median the distribution is negatively skewed ii) Since Mean>Median the distribution is positively skewed iii) Median>Mode the distribution is positively skewed iv) Median<Mode the distribution is negatively skewed

What measure of central tendency may not exist for all numeric data sets?

Measurement Scale Best measure of the 'middle' Numerical mode Ordinal Median Interval Symmetrical data- mean skewed data median Ratio Symmetrical data- Mean skewed data median

In deciding which average to use which is most and worst reliable out of mean modal and median?

The mean is used for evenly spread data, and median for skewed data. Not sure when the mode should be used.

How is the choice made between mean and median to describe the typical value related to the shape of the data distribution?

Either can be used for symmetrical distributions. For skewed data, the median may be more a appropriate measure of the central tendency - the "average".

When is the mean less than the median?

When the data distribution is negatively skewed.

How can you tell if data is skewed on a box plot?

If the median is exactly in the middle of the box, and the box is exactly in the middle of the whiskers, then skewness = 0. The data are skewed if either the median is off-centre in the box, or if the box is off-centre overall.

What is a positively skewed distribution?

A positively skewed or right skewed distribution means that the mean of the data falls to the right of the median. Picturewise, most of the frequency would occur to the left of the graph.

Is median better indicator of central tendency of skewed distribution?

Yes. Central tendency is the way data clusters around a value. Even if the distribution of the value is skewed, the median would be the best indicator of central tendency because of the way the data is clustered.

What measure of center best represents data?

The answer depends on the type of data. The mean or median are useless if the data are qualitative (categoric): only the mode is any use. The median is better than the mean is the data are very skewed.

Can the median be used to describe both categorical data and numerical data?

Can the median and mode be used to describe both categorical data and numerical data