If the median is exactly in the middle of the box, and the box is exactly in the middle of the whiskers, then skewness = 0. The data are skewed if either the median is off-centre in the box, or if the box is off-centre overall.
A box and whisker plot has four quartiles in which its data is spread across.
The box plot uses the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum. The questioner has not provided the data which would enable their values to be calculated.
A box plot may be used at a preliminary stage to determine the centre and spread of a set of data. The box [and whiskers] plot measures the central point by the median and the range from the maximum and minimum or the quartile points.
A box and whiskers plot is a very simple way off showing summary information for a set of data. This can allow some quick analyses of the location and spread of data and permit simple comparisons between sets of data.
It is marked by the minimum, and maximum, the median, as well as the lower and upper quartiles. It also shows the skewness of the data.
You could tell whether or not the data were skewed but that is all. You could make no assessment about the central tendency (mean) or spread (range, inter-quartile range).
A histogram can handle data when the bars are not all of the same width. This is particularly important for data which are skewed.
No, you cannot. You will not know how many observations there were,
A box and whisker plot has four quartiles in which its data is spread across.
If the data are quantitative they must have a median. If there is no median it is only because the data are qualitative and, in that case, a box and whiskers plot is meaningless.
A box plot summarises data in five items of information: the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum. The histogram gives the probability density for each group of values.
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i can not tell you need to space it out and to find outlier try using a box and whisker plot. and if it is just one number there is no outlier
By transferring the numerical data from the cumulative frequency curve into a box and whiskers plot.
how about you tell me what a misleading box and whisker plot is first and then ill answer ur question ;)
Box-and-whisker plots highlight central values in a set of data. In order to construct a box-and-whisker plot, the first step is to order your data numerically and find the median value.
You cannot know. Furthermore a box plot is very crude and it is not sufficiently accurate for this purpose.