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The Answers community requested more information for this question. Please edit your question to include more context. Algebra form - whatever that may be - has no bearing on dividing the numbers into two groups.

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Q: Show me how to divide 24 26 31 22 into two groups in algebra form?
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Algebra is a form (or subset) of mathematics.

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You use standard form in algebra because you have to know the number before you answer the problem

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Simplifying form is the same as saying solve it or find the answer. At least that is what it means in Algebra and Pre-Algebra.

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The word 'divide' is an abstract noun as a word for a divergence between two groups, typically producing tension or hostility, for example a cultural divide. The noun 'divide' is a concrete noun as a word for a ridge of land. The abstract noun form for the verb to divide is division.

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Algebra 2 is not just a repeat of algebra, you are still studying the form of math called algebra but algebra is a wide topic and in Algebra 2 your simply getting into the more advanced aspects of that topic.

How do I write this in algebra form 24 26 31 22 into two groups?

The Answers community requested more information for this question. Please edit your question to include more context.

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