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1/3 is .3333 repeating forever. To get this you divide 1 by 3.

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Q: What is 1over3 as a decimal form show how you got it?
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dived middle by buttom, and + the top number, the nuber you get you put on top, and the buttom number stays the same, now you got an improper faction, now dived the top by buttom and you got a decimal

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I would say dividing. EXAMPLE: 2 over 10. To get the decimal you would divide 2 by 10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For example: 1 and 1/4. First the "1" goes over left of the decimal. (1.0). Then 1/4 changes into .25. (1 divided by 4). Then add the (1.0) to the (.25) and you got your mixed number into decimal form.

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1.95 รท 2 The answer I got is 0.975 And I round up and I got 1.0 Is this answer correct?

How do you covert a fraction to a percent and decimal?

you multiple it first then you add it after that you got the answer

What is 9 out of 20 as a percent include how you got your answer?

9 out of 20 can be written in fraction form, then converted into decimal form, then converted into percent form: 9 out of 20 can be written 9/20 next, divide the top number by the bottom number to convert into a decimal number: 9 divided by 20 = .45 next, multiply .45 by 100 and add the percent sign: .45 x 100 = 45 = 45%